Little Appy Co Privacy Policy

Last updated: 15th May, 2024

What this policy applies to

This policy applies to visitors on the website Product-specific privacy policies can be found on each product page.

What we store

We don’t store any of the data you send to us except for the following:

  • Payment details and basic contact information, stored and managed by third-party payment provider Gumroad
  • Basic contact information for support and contact purposes in Hubspot
  • Basic analytics, metrics and usage data for the sole purpose of triaging errors and issues and improving product performance

Our providers

We use the following providers to service you:

  • Gumroad for payments
  • Cloudflare for securing the API and DNS resolution
  • Hubspot for contact form and messaging for support
  • New Relic for error monitoring and triaging to ensure service continuity
  • Plausible for web analytics on