Find nearby public toilets. Private & ad-free.

Find nearby Australian public toilets, baby change facilities, caravan wastewater points and more. For iOS, iPadOS & watchOS.

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Find nearby bathroom facilities.

Privately discover nearby bathroom facilities, with no ads and limited offline support.

Find nearby public toilet facilities.

View on a map, or in an offline-accessible list view. Use Expand Map mode on iPadOS to focus on the facility map and remove distractions.

Detailed information.

The app relies on the Australian Government National Public Toilet Map dataset. View available facilities, open hours and more.

Get directions, and preview the facility.

Get directions to nearby facilities (Internet connection required), and preview the outside of the facility using Look Around where available.

Screenshot of Public Toilets Australia app

Get started now.

Start finding nearby bathroom facilities now. Download via the App Store today for iOS, iPadOS and watchOS.

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